Neck Pain Relief with Chiropractic Adjustments | Goshen Family Chiropractic

One of the greatest benefits of chiropractic care for neck pain is pain relief without medication. A 2012 study found that spinal manipulation therapy (SMT) was more effective than medication in providing pain relief. The other benefit of chiropractic care for neck pain is that treatment may improve neck mobility and range of motion. It […]
Do you feel neck aches and back pain while waking up in the morning? The major reason behind it is spinal misalignment. You can rely on Chiropractic adjustments to solve the problem.

As experts in the musculoskeletal systems, chiropractic doctors go through years of education and training to learn how to accurately identify when the vertebrae are not in proper alignment. By applying safe, controlled, and specific forces to the joints, chiropractors can correct misalignments. Their specific techniques, called manipulations or adjustments, either return vertebrae into their […]
Fall Foods to Eat When They’re in Season

A variety of fruits and vegetables come into season in the fall. Enjoy them all in a variety of ways to reap the benefits. Pumpkin: Using actual pumpkin, or at least the seeds, provides people with tremendous health benefits. It contains fiber, potassium, and vitamins, all of which is good for the heart and body […]