Summer is drawing to a close, and it’s time to return to school. The beginning of a new school year can be stressful for students; meeting new teachers, being exposed to germs, and even carrying heavy backpacks.

So as we begin the new school year, follow our chiropractic tips and visit your local family chiropractor to help your child avoid backpack back pain.
There are many benefits to regular chiropractic adjustments in your health and wellness routine.

Regular chiropractic care promotes optimal nervous system communication, increased relaxation, boosts to the immune system, and increases rates of healing. When you realize these benefits, you realize that seeing a chiropractor regularly can truly change your life!
At least 70 million adults in the United States deal with some type of chronic pain. In fact, low back pain is the second most common reason Americans see their doctor.

Chiropractic treatment may help relieve pain from conditions affecting your: bones, cartilage, connective tissue, joints, muscles.