Dear Goshen Family Chiropractic Patients,
We want to share with you some of the steps we are taking at Goshen Family Chiropractic to prevent the spread of illness in our office and plan for the possible spread of the coronavirus in our community.
As the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has emphasized, there is currently a Covid-19 (coronavirus) pandemic in the United States. Given how quickly the global situation is evolving, we are monitoring new developments and will continue to reevaluate our steps and actions daily.
In addition to our daily cleaning and sanitizing efforts, we are asking all patients to use disposable paper towels in the bathroom, wash their hands or use the provided hand sanitizer and assist in cleaning off the exercise equipment and traction tables with sanitizing wipes or spray after each use.
As a reminder, the most effective way to stay healthy and minimize the spread of infectious diseases is to follow basic health best practices like:
* Practicing excellent hygiene, including washing hands thoroughly, before and after your adjustment if necessary.
* Using elbows (rather than hands) to cover coughs and sneezes.
* Using disinfectant wipes on surfaces.
*If you would like me to wipe down adjusting tables and traction tables/devices before or after each patient, please kindly ask.
Our chiropractic community is prepared to alter our procedures and we are making plans should the situation change. We will communicate any changes immediately when the time is appropriate.
It is important to remember that handling the spread of a serious contagion like the Covid-19 (coronavirus) is primarily a task for public health agencies. Any directives from the World Health Organization, the CDC or local government organizations such as the Chester County Health Department should be followed.
As always, we are particularly grateful for the strength and togetherness of our community. Please continue to look for further communication from us around this situation and, as always, please feel free to contact us with questions.
Dr. Raj and staff
Goshen Family Chiropractic