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How Long After I See a Chiropractor Can I Exercise?

A man exercising on a mat in a room with many windows

Exercise is an essential part of any healthy lifestyle. But while exercise is almost never a bad thing, you may be wondering just how long you need to wait to exercise after seeing a chiropractor.

Well, unfortunately, there is no simple answer to this question. After all, everyone is different, and there is a lot to consider, including your own health, the exercises that are a part of your routine, and the chiropractic treatments you're currently receiving.

Still, just because there's no one-size-fits-all answer to this question doesn't mean that you have to be stuck waiting around forever. So, if you're concerned about how your chiropractic will affect your regular workout routine, here is everything you need to know.

Why Do You Need to Wait to Exercise After Seeing a Chiropractor?

While learning and practicing new exercises is often a significant part of many chiropractic visits, going straight from your appointment to the gym usually isn't the best idea. But in order to understand why, you need to understand a bit more about what chiropractic adjustments are and how they work.

Chiropractic adjustments are one of the main techniques that chiropractors use to treat pain and mobility issues. The goal of these adjustments is realignment, and in order to achieve this, your chiropractor has to use sudden and significant force to push your joints into a properly aligned position.

After receiving a chiropractic adjustment, it takes time for your joints to become completely stable again. This means that while you can resume normal movement and activities immediately after an appointment, strenuous exercise could potentially push your joints back into a misaligned position, negating the positive effects of the adjustments and potentially causing injury.

Because of this, if you receive chiropractic adjustments at your appointment, you should always wait before starting to exercise the parts of your body that you received the adjustments on.

How Long After I See a Chiropractor Can I Exercise?

Now you know that you shouldn't start exercising immediately after going to the chiropractor, but how long do you have to wait?

Well, again, this is a complicated subject, and the answer you receive may depend on exactly who you are talking to. Some chiropractors may say that it's fine to exercise after only a half hour, while others might suggest waiting up to a full day after receiving treatment.

In reality, there is no universal answer to this question, and it largely depends on what adjustments you receive and what exercise you plan on doing. However, in general, if you feel good enough to exercise and there's nothing causing you significant pain after you start, you're probably more than ready to get back to the gym.

How to Safely Return to Your Normal Exercise Routine

So, now you know just how important it is to wait to exercise after going to the chiropractor, but that doesn't mean that you have to say goodbye to your workout plan for good. Eventually, you can go back to exercising normally. You just need to make sure that you're doing it safely. So, if you've taken some time to rest after your appointment and are ready to start exercising again, here is how you can make sure that you're doing it as safely as possible.

Talk to Your Chiropractor

The best thing you can do to ensure your own safety is to talk to your chiropractor before you start exercising again. Your chiropractor will have a much better idea of what your body can handle after receiving treatment and can make highly educated recommendations for how long you should while also providing suggestions about exercises that you can do right away and others that you should stay away from.

Every patient is different, but your chiropractor is better equipped than anyone to provide exercise recommendations that are custom-tuned to your specific situation and exercise needs.

Thoroughly Stretch and Warm Up

If you work out a lot, it may seem like a given that you should always stretch and warm up thoroughly before exercising. That being said, if you recently received chiropractic adjustments, make sure that you spend even more time stretching and warming up to ensure that your body is as ready as can be before starting your exercise routine.

Start Slow

You should also be sure not to jump back into your exercise routine at full steam. Strenuous exercise like lifting is a lot more likely to cause problems than less strenuous activities like walking or jogging, so start slow and gradually work your way back up to doing your full workout regimen.

Stay Away From Heavy Lifting

This goes along with the idea that you should start slow, but it is worth mentioning. If you like lifting weights and that makes up the majority of your regular exercise routine, start with smaller weights instead, as this will be a lot less strenuous on your joints and muscles than trying to reach your maximum weight limits right away.

Listen to Your Body

At the end of the day, you know your body better than anyone else, and it will give you plenty of signs as to whether the exercise you’re doing is too much. If you start feeling harsh pain as you’re exercising, this is almost certainly a sign that something is wrong and you should stop. On the other hand, if you feel as good as new and can get through your entire workout like normal, then chances are you’re all good to go.

Contact Goshen Family Chiropractic Today

Are you looking for a chiropractor you can trust with your healthcare needs? Give us a call. Our friendly team is always here to answer your questions and will happily work with you to find a convenient time to schedule your first appointment. So, don’t let your pain, mobility, or general wellness issues bring you down. Call Goshen Family Chiropractic and schedule your appointment today!


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