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Stay Hydrated: The Importance of Water After Your Chiropractic Adjustment

If you’ve ever had an Chiropractic adjustment, you’ve probably been urged to drink extra water after your visit. Sure, everyone needs to stay hydrated. But why is it important to drink extra water after an adjustment?

1. Water helps flush toxins released after your adjustment: We encounter toxins every day through our environment, food, and other products. When you get an adjustment, the body releases some of those toxins so they can be eliminated through waste.

2. Drinking water prevents any post-adjustment muscle soreness: You know that sore feeling you get in your muscles after an intense workout? You can get that same soreness after a deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, or a chiropractic adjustment as the muscles release their tension and settle into a new position. Drink plenty of water after your chiropractic visit to flush away that lactic acid and feel better faster.

3. Water keeps your joints healthy and lubricated: All tissues in the body need water to thrive, including your joint tissue. During your adjustment, your chiropractor will gently adjust your joints and help them move properly. But without enough water to lubricate the joint tissues, the benefits of your treatment will be offset by the damaging effects of dehydration.