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5 tips on keeping your health goals

January 17th, 2022 was national Ditch Your Resolutions Day, the presumed day when many fall off the wagon for their New Year goals. Here are some tips on how you can set and keep your goals in 2022. Tip #1: Trim your Goals; one specific habit at a time Rather than set multiple resolutions, you should set one specific positive habit at a time. Once you establish one positive action, you can move on to add another and build momentum through the year. Be sure to also give yourself a bit of grace, if you backslide one day or one moment, get right back on the horse and move on. If you focus on the smaller victories, you don’t tend to feel like you’re failing and you’re less likely to give up. Tip #2: Create a plan and track your progress Once you have a healthy habit in mind (adding a serving of vegetables to your day, walking 30 minutes four times a week, etc.), create a detailed plan and find a way (digitally or on paper) to track how you’re doing. Tip #3: Find a workout buddy or group No matter what your health goal is, find a friend, group, or digital community with similar goals to keep you motivated and accountable. It’s always more fun when you accomplish a task with someone else but it also provides you built-in accountability. Tip #4: Remind yourself of your goal daily This can be as simple as hanging a note somewhere where you see it every day, or setting reminders on your phone. Daily check-ins and reminders ensure your goal is top of mind. Tip #5: Visualize success Visualize what a successful outcome is for your goal. Think about when you accomplished a goal before and ask yourself what did you need to be successful? According to Life Time’s recent national wellness survey of nearly 1,000 people across the country, the top health resolutions expected in 2022 are: Lose weight (31%) Build muscle (22%) Eat better (13%) Move more (13%) Improve mental wellbeing (11%)


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