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Flex Your Health: Discover the Benefits of Chiropractic Flexibility

For a person with a limited range of motion, treatment typically includes an examination of the large and small muscle groups in both flexed and extended positions. They also take into account family health history and feedback from the chiropractic patient about areas where they’re experiencing pain or have limited flexibility.

Some of the most significant areas to assess range of motion are:

Lower back, hamstrings, shoulders, spine, neck, hips, pelvis.

Your joints are a key player in your range of motion, and manual therapies such as chiropractic adjustments can stimulate greater flexibility in the targeted area. An article published in Chiropractic & Manual Therapies cites a study showing an improvement in functional performance when people with chronic lower back pain receive manual therapy interventions.

Regular chiropractic care makes it easier to detect changes to your range of motion. When your flexibility falls below your baseline, your chiropractor can get an early read on health problems that may be developing.