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March is National Nutrition Month

National Nutrition Month is a yearly occasion that you can and should celebrate for 30 days straight. In fact, why stop at the end of March? I hope that, once you try the following tips, you’ll want to continue practicing them all year through. Here’s how it works: Try one tip each day starting tomorrow (here are the first 5) 1. cut portions: If you think leaving just a little something on your plate won’t matter, think again. It will. Small amounts of uneaten food add up to calories that stay on the plate – not on you. 2. sip while you sit: Bring a cup or bottle of water with you whenever you sit (at your desk, in the car or in front of the TV, for example). Although moving is better than sitting, at least you’ll be performing a healthy habit when at rest. 3. Make a move: Take the stairs, park a few blocks away or otherwise become inefficient and take extra steps to get where you need to go. 4. Have a vegetable at breakfast: Most people save their veggies for dinner, but it’s healthful to think outside the cereal bowl and veg out at breakfast. For example, add a sliced tomato to your cheese sandwich or some mushrooms to your eggs. 5. Find fiber: Whether it’s a bran cereal, nuts, oatmeal or an array of other fiber-filled foods, added fiber can make you feel fuller longer and provide a, well, moving experience.