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Feel Festive and Pain-Free – Reasons for Chiropractic Care During the Holidays


The holiday season is a busy time, full of hustle and bustle, and sometimes people forget to maintain their self-care routines. The holiday season can be especially hard on our bodies for many reasons. People may experience increased aches and pains, higher levels of stress, or even injury. Chiropractic care can be especially beneficial during the holiday season. Here are some reasons why. 1. Travel puts a strain on your body: The holidays are a time for visiting family and friends, and travel takes a toll on your body. One study found that sitting for extended periods of time can cause damage to your lumbar discs. Try to maintain good posture when traveling, and seek chiropractic care if you experience pain. 2. Increased risk of injury: Climbing up a ladder to put those lights on your house? Rushing out the door in the morning when the driveway is covered in ice during a visit up north? The holiday season brings an increased risk of injury, so take extra caution. If you do get injured, see a chiropractor for an assessment. 3. Schedules get in the way of self-care: With so many holiday activities it can be hard to maintain your regular routine. If you’ve been seeing a chiropractor for pain management or physical rehabilitation it’s important to stick to your schedule so that the pain doesn’t worsen or regress. 4. Increased work hours: If you’re picking up extra shifts at work where you’re on your feet more than usual, you might start to feel achy and sore. See a chiropractor for help. 5. Digestive issues: During the holidays people are more likely to change their eating habits. This can lead to problems with digestion, some of which can be corrected with chiropractic care.


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