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Get Your Best Sleep During Daylight Saving Time: Top Tips and Tricks

Tips to get Good Sleep during Daylight Saving Time

Believe it or not, it was Founding Father Benjamin Franklin who suggested in a 1784 essay that people should get out of bed one hour earlier in the spring and summer to enjoy more natural light. There are ways to still get your rest during Daylight Savings Time. Here are a few tips. Ease into the transition: Try going to bed 15 minutes earlier than usual to help your body adjust to the change. Get your sun: Exposure to sunshine can help keep your circadian rhythm on track. Keep a consistent sleep schedule: Though the time change can throw you off at first, try to go to bed the same time every night to help your body more quickly adapt to the time change. Try to exercise: A workout can tire you out. You will always sleep better after some time at the gym. Avoid stimulants near bedtime: Try not to drink caffeinated beverages or even alcohol near bedtime. These substances can keep you awake and ruin your sleep schedule. Eat light at night: Heavy meals during the evening hours can disrupt healthy sleep. Keep your heaviest meals for the day and eat a light snack well before bedtime.