February is the start of American Heart month. Heart disease is the number one killer in the U.S., claiming more lives than all cancers combined. It is important for us to take a serious look at what we can do to lower our risk for heart disease this month and throughout the year. Follow the tips below to get started on your path toward heart health.
1. Be Active: Physical activity is one of the best ways to fight off heart disease and other chronic conditions. Any amount of activity is

Even superheroes know that regular chiropractic care can help you feel better and lead a more active, healthy life!

Chiropractic Care for Scoliosis Relief – Secrets Revealed!
About 3% of the U.S. population has some form of scoliosis – some who are born with it, and some who get scoliosis as they

The Nervous System and Chiropractic
The nervous system is the life source that controls every aspect of our body. How Chiropractic Aids the Nervous System’s Function Chiropractors are specifically trained

Why Chiropractic Care is Vital for Your Health – Learn More Here
While you may think your body is fine, you need to prevent future problems from developing. If you go and visit a chiropractor regularly, you

Chiropractic Care: Achieve Your 3 Biggest Health Goals with Ease
It’s almost a month into the New Year, and it’s time for a quick check-in. How are those resolutions and health goals coming along? Are

5 Chiropractic Care Tips for Optimal Spine Health
1. Exercise Regularly: One of the best things you can do for spine health is to exercise regularly. The U.S. Department of Health and Human

Gut health tips for the New Year
1. Though simple, drinking water hydrates, nourishes and flushes toxins from your body. It’s a simple step that will positively impact gut and overall health.

Feel Alive with Chiropractic Care at Goshen Family Chiropractic
Are you one of the millions who suffer from acute or chronic pain on a daily basis? Whether it is chronic back pain or acute

Chiropractor Advice to Avoid Back Injuries
From poor posture to an accident or while lifting a heavy object, our patients came to us looking for pain relief. But we are also

The holiday season can be a stressful time of year. Here are a few tips to help you manage your stress and pain levels during the holidays:
1. Set your priorities: There’s a lot demanding your time and attention at this time of year. Take a minute to think about which holiday

Goshen Family Chiropractic: Professional Chiropractor West Chester, PA
Do you struggle with pain or discomfort that makes it hard to get through the day? You are not alone. Millions of Americans all over

The holiday season is a busy time, full of hustle and bustle, and sometimes people forget to maintain their self-care routines. Chiropractic care can be

The month of December often brings hustle and bustle as we celebrate various holidays and prepare to start a new year. Check out these tips for making the month of December a little less overwhelming:
1. Keep a gratitude journal: A great way to start the month is by keeping a gratitude journal. This mindset of gratitude will help you

Help us spread the warmth this holiday season as we kick off our Winter Donation Drive!

Autumn Wellness Tips: Get Ready for the Colder Months
There may be some summer season left, but once school is back in session most people begin looking ahead at fall. With some chiropractic tips

The transition to the shorter and busier days of fall can be a challenge. To help ease the change, we’ve put together Autumn Wellness Tips to get you ready for the colder months and keep your mental (and physical!) health in check.
1.Start taking a Vitamin D supplement: We get most of our Vitamin D from the sun, so our intake decreases when the weather is colder

Pumpkin Power: Discover the Science-Based Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds may be small, but they’re packed full of valuable nutrients. Eating only a small amount of them can provide you with a substantial

Flex Your Health: Discover the Benefits of Chiropractic Flexibility
For a person with a limited range of motion, treatment typically includes an examination of the large and small muscle groups in both flexed and